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Home  »  Natural Essential Oil  »  Vetiver Oil

Vetiver Oil

Description & Extraction:
It is a tall, tufted, perennial, scented grass with long narrow leaves and an abundant complex lacework of underground white roots and is mainly cultivated in the tropics, such as India, Tahiti, Java and Haiti. The grass was used in Calcutta and Haiti for thatching and awnings, blinds and sunshades, while in Java the roots were used for weaving mats and thatching huts, which not only gave rooms an exquisite fragrance but also deterred insects. Vetiver oil is also known as the 'oil of tranquility' because of its calming properties. It has an earthy, musty smell - much like the smell of a damp forest floor and is amber to olive in color. It is extracted from the washed, chopped, dried and soaked roots and rootlets by steam distillation and yields about 0.5%.

Blends well with:
Vetiver essential oils blend well together, vetiver oil blends particularly well with benzoin, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender and ylang-ylang.

Chemical Composition:
The main chemical components are benzoic acid, vetiverol, furfurol, a and b-vetivone, vetivene and vetivenyl vetivenate.

Toxicological Properties:
Vetiver oil are antiseptic, aphrodisiac, cicatrisant, nervine, sedative, tonic, sedative and vulnerary.

Uses & Precautions:

Vetiver oil has a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system and is helpful for muscular aches and pains, as well as having a positive effect on hormonal imbalance as well as relieving insomnia.
Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy, vetiver oil can be used for nervous complaints, dispelling hysteria, anger and irritability and also to relieve insomnia.
Blended massage oil or in the bath
In blended massage oil or diluted in the bath, vetiver oil can help with mental and physical exhaustion, nervous complaints, rheumatism and arthritic pain, insomnia as well as balancing the hormonal system and have a healing effect on the skin.

Shipping Options:
We have shipping our goods by Air as well as Sea and also shipping i.e. DHL, Fedex, UPS, TNT, & EMS.

Product Vetiver Oil
Lot No .K - 3259 - KE - 2007
Manufacturing Date July 2007
Best Before July 2009 (Please follow standard storage conditions for better shelf life)
Appearance Viscous liquid
Colour Amber colour to Grayish Brown, Olive Brown to Dark Brown colour
Odour The odour is sweet & very heavy woody earthy reminiscent of roots & wet soil with a rich undertone of precious wood notes. Taste is not very powerful but resembles as to Asparagus.
Botanical Source Vetiveria Zizanioides Stapf. (Fam: Gramineae)
CAS No. 8016-96-4

Physico - Chemical Properties:-
Specific Gravity 0.986 - 1.011
efractive Index 1.5210 - 1.5300
Optical Rotation +14º 10` TO +25º
Main Constituents Coumarin, Beta - Vetivone, Alpha - Vetivone, Vetiverol.
Solubility Soluble in Alcohol and other organics solvents & in soluble in water.

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